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Text File | 1996-05-25 | 41.2 KB | 1,342 lines |
- The Linux Serial HOWTO
- by Greg Hankins, gregh@cc.gatech.edu
- v1.6, 23 June 1994
- This document describes how to set up serial communications devices
- on a Linux box.
- 1. Introduction
- This is the Linux Serial HOWTO. All about how to set up modems and
- terminals under Linux.
- 1.1. Other sources of information
- o man pages for: init(1), getty(1m), login(1), gettydefs(4),
- setserial(8)
- o Your modem manual
- o ``Managing UUCP and Usenet'' by Tom O'Reilly and Grace Todino,
- O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. ISBN: 0-937175-93-5
- o UUCP HOWTO: for information on setting up UUCP
- o Printing HOWTO: deals with setting up a serial printer
- o NET-2 HOWTO: everything about SLIP, CSLIP, PPP, etc
- o Term HOWTO: everything you wanted to know about term
- 1.2. New versions of this document
- New versions of the Linux Serial HOWTO will be periodically posted to
- comp.os.linux.announce and news.answers. They will also be uploaded
- to various Linux FTP sites, including
- sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO. The Serial HOWTO is also
- available at the following URL:
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO.html for WWW clients
- such as mosaic.
- 1.3. Feedback
- Please send me any comments, suggestions, or additional material. I'm
- always eager to hear about what you think about the HOWTO. I'm also
- always on the lookout for improvements! Tell me exactly what you
- don't understand, or what could be clearer. You can reach me at
- gregh@cc.gatech.edu.
- If you find any wrong information, please contact me ASAP.
- 1.4. Disclaimer
- Your milage may vary. The answers given may not work for all systems
- and all setup combinations.
- 2. Supported serial hardware
- Linux supports, (ie is known to work with):
- o standard PC serial boards
- o standard PC internal modems
- Multiport serial boards:
- o Usenet Serial Board II
- o Boca 4-port (BB-1004)
- o Boca 8-port (BB-1008)
- o Boca 16-port (BB-2016)
- o AST FourPort boards and clones
- o Accent Async boards
- o Bell Technologies HUB6
- o STB-4COM
- In general, Linux will support any serial board which uses a 8250,
- 16450, 16550, or 16550A (or compatible) UART, or an internal modem
- which emulates one of the above UARTs.
- Linux does not currently support any intelligent serial boards, but
- will likely do so sometime in the future.
- Special note on the BB-1004 and BB-1008, they do not support DCD and
- RI lines, and thus are not usable for dialin modems. They will work
- fine for all other purposes.
- 3. What are the names of the serial ports?
- There are the 4 serial devices corresponding to COM1 - COM4:
- /dev/cua0, /dev/ttyS0 (COM1) address 0x3f8 IRQ 4
- /dev/cua1, /dev/ttyS1 (COM2) address 0x2f8 IRQ 3
- /dev/cua2, /dev/ttyS2 (COM3) address 0x3e8 IRQ 4
- /dev/cua3, /dev/ttyS3 (COM4) address 0x2e8 IRQ 3
- The /dev/ttySN devices are for incoming connections and /dev/cuaN
- devices for outgoing connections. N is the serial port number. In
- this document, I refer to COM1 as ttyS0, COM2 as ttyS1, COM3 as ttyS2,
- and COM4 as ttyS3. If I am refering to a specific device in /dev, I
- will always prepend /dev to avoid confusing you.
- On some installations, two extra devices will be created, /dev/modem
- for your modem and /dev/mouse for your mouse. Both of these are
- symbolic links to the appropriate /dev/cuaN device which you specified
- during the installation (unless you have a bus mouse, then /dev/mouse
- will point to the bus mouse device).
- There has been some discussion on the merits of /dev/mouse and
- /dev/modem. I strongly discourage the use of these links. In
- particular, if you are planning on using your modem for dialin you
- will run into problems because the lock files will not work correctly
- if you use /dev/modem. Also, Taylor UUCP does not support symlinks
- either.
- 3.1. Major and minor device numbers of serial devices in /dev
- /dev/ttyS0 major 4, minor 64 /dev/cua0 major 5, minor 64
- /dev/ttyS1 major 4, minor 65 /dev/cua1 major 5, minor 65
- /dev/ttyS2 major 4, minor 66 /dev/cua2 major 5, minor 66
- /dev/ttyS3 major 4, minor 67 /dev/cua3 major 5, minor 67
- Note that all distributions come with these devices already made
- correctly.
- 3.1.1. Creating devices in /dev
- If you don't have a device, you will have to create it with the mknod
- command.
- Example, suppose you needed to create devices for ttyS0:
- linux# mknod -m 666 /dev/cua0 c 5 64
- linux# mknod -m 666 /dev/ttyS0 c 4 64
- You can also get the MAKEDEV script, available on the usual FTP sites.
- This simplifies the making of devices. For example, if you needed to
- make the devices for ttyS0 you would type:
- linux# cd /dev
- linux# MAKEDEV ttyS0
- This handles the devices creation for the incoming and outgoing
- devices.
- 3.1.2. Notes for multiport boards
- The devices your multiport board uses depends on what kind of board
- you have. These are listed in detail in the rc.serial which comes
- with the setserial program. You will need to create these devices for
- sure! Either use the mknod command, or get the MAKEDEV script.
- Devices for mulitport boards are made by adding 64 + the port number.
- So, if you wanted to create devices for ttyS17, you would type:
- linux# mknod -m 666 /dev/cua17 c 5 81
- linux# mknod -m 666 /dev/ttyS17 c 4 81
- Note that ``64 + 17 = 81'' Using the MAKEDEV script, you would type:
- linux# cd /dev
- linux# /dev/MAKEDEV ttyS17
- 4. What is getty_ps?
- This is just another version of getty, which is a program that handles
- some of the login process when you log in to a UNIX box. It was
- written by Paul Sutcliffe, Jr. <paul@devon.lns.pa.us>. Kris Gleason
- <gleasokr@boulder.colorado.edu> currently maintains it. 2.0.7e is the
- latest version, and supercedes any older versions. Most Linux
- distributions come with getty_ps installed as the default getty.
- Thus, I will mainly focus on using the getty_ps package in this
- document, but you are free to use any getty you like. You should
- check to make sure you do indeed have getty_ps as the default getty.
- At your Linux prompt, type:
- linux# strings /etc/getty | grep RINGBACK
- If grep returns ``RINGBACK'' then you have the right getty. If you do
- not have this version of getty, I highly recommend that you get it.
- It can be found on the standard Linux FTP sites. (Kris has promised
- me to implement a version feature in the next release, to avoid doing
- this grep sillyness.)
- 4.1. Installing getty_ps
- Get the package from a Linux FTP site, and install according to the
- instructions.
- Be sure that the new getty_ps works correctly before you remove all
- the other versions! I recommend changing one of your virtual console
- lines from:
- c2:23456:respawn:/etc/getty tty2
- to:
- c2:23456:respawn:/etc/getty_ps tty2 VC console
- Put this line in your /etc/gettydefs:
- VC# B9600 SANE CLOCAL # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #@S @L login: #VC
- and restart init:
- linux# kill -HUP 1
- If you can log in on a console with getty_ps, it's working. Move
- getty_ps to getty or link it. Be sure to update your /etc/inittab to
- correctly invoke the new getty. The entries need to be in the form
- of:
- id:runlevel:action:/etc/{uu}getty [options] line [speed [term [lined]]]
- getty_ps also uses syslogd to log messages. See the man pages for
- syslogd(1) and syslog.conf(5) for setting up syslogd, if you don't
- have it running already. Messages are logged with priority LOG_AUTH,
- errors use LOG_ERR, and debugging uses LOG_DEBUG. If you don't want
- to use syslogd you can edit tune.h in the getty_ps source files to use
- a log file for messages and debugging instead, but you'll have to
- recompile the whole thing.
- Once you have installed getty_ps, and are certain it is working, you
- can remove any other versions of getty you have. Be sure to check in
- /bin, /etc, /usr/bin, /usr/etc, /usr/man/man1, and /usr/man/cat1 for
- any thing called getty - there are old versions lurking everywhere.
- Also, you can safely remove the old config file /etc/gettytab - you
- only need /etc/gettydefs. From this point on, all references to getty
- will refer to getty_ps. References to uugetty will refer to the
- uugetty that comes with the getty_ps package.
- 5. What is setserial?
- setserial is a program which allows you to look at and change various
- attributes of a serial device, including its port, its IRQ, and other
- serial port options. It was initially written Rick Sladkey, and was
- heavily modified by Ted T'so <tytso@athena,mit.edu>, who also
- maintains it. The newest version is 2.10, and can be found on the
- Linux FTP sites. You can find out what version you have by running
- setserial with no arguments.
- On boot, only the ttyS{0-3} ports are configured, using the default
- IRQ of 4 and 3. So, if you have any other serial ports provided by
- other boards (such as an AST Fourport), or if ttyS{0-3} have a non-
- standard IRQ, you must use this program in order to configure those
- serial ports. For the full listing of options, consult the man page.
- 6. How do I dial out with my modem?
- 6.1. Hardware requirements
- First, make sure you have the right cable. Your modem requires a
- straight through cable, with no pins crossed. Any computer store
- should have these. Make sure you get the correct gender. Your DB25
- serial port on your PC is always male. Do not confuse it with the
- parallel port, which is the female DB25. Hook up your modem to one of
- your serial ports. Consult your modem manual on how to do this.
- 6.1.1. Notes on internal modems
- For an internal modem, you will not need a cable. An internal modem
- does not need a serial port, it has one built in. All you need to do
- is configure it to use an interrupt that is not being used, and
- configure the I/O address. Consult your modem manual if you get
- stuck. Also, see section ``Can I use more than 2 serial devices?''
- if you need help on choosing interrupts or addresses.
- Due to a bit of stupidity on IBM's part, you may encounter problems if
- you want your internal modem to be on ttyS3. If Linux does not detect
- your internal modem on ttyS3, you can use setserial and the modem will
- work fine. Internal modems on ttyS{0-2} should not have any problems
- being detected.
- 6.2. Talking to your modem
- Make sure that nothing is using the serial port you hooked your modem
- to. Check to see if there is a getty watching it. If there is a
- getty process running on that port, check your /etc/inittab file for
- entries using that serial port. Comment the line out (with a ``#'')
- and restart init. Do not comment any lines that contain a ttyN
- device, only ones containing ttySN devices. ttyN devices are your
- virtual consoles.
- Use kermit to test the setup. For example, say your modem was on
- ttyS3, and it could handle 2400 bps. You would do the following:
- linux# kermit
- C-Kermit 5A(188), 23 Nov 92, POSIX
- Type ? or HELP for help
- C-Kermit>set line /dev/cua3
- C-Kermit>set speed 2400
- /dev/cua3, 2400 bps
- C-Kermit>c
- Connecting to /dev/cua3, speed 2400.
- The escape character is Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS)
- Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
- or followed by ? to see other options.
- AT
- OK
- <ctrl>-\-C
- (Back at linux)
- C-Kermit>quit
- linux#
- If your modem responds to AT commands, you can assume your modem is
- working correctly on the Linux side. Try dialing another modem. If
- you don't like kermit, try one of the more advanced comm programs.
- Check out section ``Noteworthy communications programs'' about comm
- programs if you need some pointers.
- 6.3. Dial out modem configuration
- For dial out use only, you can configure your modem however you want.
- I like to see result codes, so I set Q0 - result codes are reported.
- To set this on my modem, I would have to preceed the register name
- with an AT command. Using kermit or some comm program, connect to
- your modem and do the following:
- ATQ0
- If your modem says OK back to you, then the register is set. Do this
- for each register you want to set.
- I also like to see what I'm typing, so I set E1 - command echo on. If
- your modem has data compression capabilities, you probably want to
- enable them. You may want to enable RTS/CTS handshaking. Note that
- you will also have to enable the hardware handshaking on the serial
- port itself, too. This is best done on startup (say in rc.local or
- rc.serial) by saying:
- stty crtscts < /dev/cua3
- Make sure you put in the correct serial port for your setup. Consult
- your modem manual for more help, and a full listing of options. If
- your modem supports a stored profile, be sure to write the
- configuration to the modem.
- 7. How do I dial in and out with my modem?
- Get your modem to dial out correctly.
- 7.1. Dial in and out modem configuration
- For dialin and dialout use, you have to set up your modem a certain
- way (again, using the AT command on your modem):
- E1 command echo ON
- Q0 result codes are reported
- V1 verbose ON
- S0=0 never answer (uugetty handles this with the WAITFOR option)
- If you don't set these correctly, your INIT string in your config file
- may fail, hosing the whole process. But, more on config files
- below...
- &C1 DCD is on after connect only
- If DCD is always on, getty will always think there is a connection,
- and may try to log people in.
- Other things you should set:
- &S0 DSR is always on
- &D3 DTR on/off resets modem
- enable your data compression (setting depend on modem manufacturer,
- consult your modem manual)
- autobaud (same applies here)
- enabling RTS/CTS (here too)
- If your modem does not support a stored profile, you can set these
- through the INIT string in your config file. See below.
- 7.2. Example modem setup
- Here is my modem setup, for a Telebit T1600. Most things should work
- for any Hayes compatible modem though. Don't worry if there are some
- things in my setup that aren't on yours.
- T1600 - Version LA1.00 - Active Configuration
- B1 E1 L2 M0 P Q0 V1 X12 Y0
- &C1 &D3 &G0 &J0 &L0 &Q0 &R3 &S1 &T4 &X0
- S000=0 S001=0 S002=43 S003=13 S004=10 S005=8 S006=2 S007=40
- S008=2 S009=6 S010=14 S011=70 S012=50 S018=0 S025=5 S026=1
- S038=0 S041=0 S045=0 S046=0 S047=4 S048=0 S050=0 S051:254
- S056=17 S057=19 S058:2 S059=0 S060=0 S061:0 S062=15 S063=0
- S064:1 S068:3 S069=0 S090=0 S093=8 S094=1 S100=0 S102=0
- S104=0 S105=1 S111:30 S112=1 S180:3 S181=1 S183=25 S190=1
- S253=10 S254=255 S255=255
- 7.3. Setting up uugetty
- Replace the stock getty with getty_ps as described in section ``What
- is <tt>getty_ps</tt>''. Update /etc/gettydefs to include entries for
- modems (note that the entries point to each other, these are not for
- fixed speed):
- # Modem entries
- 38400# B38400 CS8 # B38400 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #19200
- 19200# B19200 CS8 # B19200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #9600
- 9600# B9600 CS8 # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #2400
- 2400# B2400 CS8 # B2400 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #1200
- 1200# B1200 CS8 # B1200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #300
- 300# B300 CS8 # B300 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S @L @B login: #38400
- If you have a 9600 bps or faster modem with flow control, you can lock
- your serial port speed and let the modem handle the translation to
- other bps rates. Then, instead of the step down series of lines listed
- below, /etc/gettydefs only needs to contain one line for the modem:
- # 38400 fixed speed
- 38400# B38400 CS8 # B38400 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S login: #38400
- # 19200 fixed speed
- 19200# B19200 CS8 # B19200 SANE -ISTRIP HUPCL #@S login: #19200
- If you have your modem set up to do RTS/CTS hardware flow control, you
- can add CRTSCTS to the entries. (Be sure you enable RTS/CTS on the
- serial port!).
- Next, make sure that you have an outgoing and incoming device for the
- serial port your modem is on. If you have your modem on ttyS3 you
- will need the /dev/cua3, and /dev/ttyS3 devices. If you don't have
- the correct devices, see section ``Creating devices in <tt>/dev</tt>''
- on how to create devices, and create the devices.
- 7.4. Customizing uugetty
- There are lots of parameters you can tweak for each port you have.
- These are implemented in seperate config files for each port. The
- file /etc/conf.uugetty will be used by all instances of uugetty, and
- /etc/conf.uugetty.ttySN will only be used by that one port. Sample
- default config files can be found with the getty_ps source files,
- which come with most Linux distributions. Due to space concerns, they
- are not listed here. Note that if you are using older versions of
- getty (older than 2.0.7e) then the default files will be in
- /etc/default/uugetty.ttySN. My /etc/conf.uugetty.ttyS3 looks like
- this:
- # sample uugetty configuration file for a Hayes compatible modem to allow
- # incoming modem connections
- #
- # alternate lockfile to check... if this lockfile exists, then uugetty is
- # restarted so that the modem is re-initialized
- ALTLOCK=cua3
- ALTLINE=cua3
- # line to initialize
- # timeout to disconnect if idle...
- # modem initialization string...
- #
- # format: <expect> <send> ... (chat sequence)
- INIT="" \d+++\dAT\r OK\r\n ATH0\r OK\r\n AT\sE1\sQ0\sATS0=0\r OK\r\n
- # this line sets the time to delay before sending the login banner
- #DEBUG=010
- Add the following line to your /etc/inittab, so that uugetty is run on
- your serial port:
- S3:456:respawn:/etc/uugetty ttyS3 38400
- (^port without ``tty'' ^port ^-- put your highest modem speed here)
- Restart init:
- linux# kill -HUP 1
- Now Linux will be watching your serial port for connections. Notice
- that we use uugetty for modems. This is because it does things like
- checking lock files.
- Dial in from another site and log in to you Linux system. Rejoice.
- getty and uugetty have a lot more options, see the man page for
- getty(1m) for a full description. Among other things there is a
- scheduling feature, and a ringback feature. RTFM :-).
- 8. How do I set up a terminal connected to my PC?
- 8.1. Hardware requirements
- Make sure you have the right kind of cable. A null modem cable bought
- at a computer store will do it. But it must be a null modem cable!
- Make sure you are using your serial port, and not your parallel port.
- At a minimum, you should have (for a DB25 connector):
- RxD Receive Data 2 - 3 TxD Transmit Data
- TxD Transmit Data 3 - 2 RxD Receive Data
- GND Signal Ground 7 - 7 GND Signal Ground
- If you want to have flow control and hardware handshaking, you must
- have a full null modem cable:
- Frame Ground 1 - 1 Frame Ground
- RxD Receive Data 2 - 3 TxD Transmit Data
- TxD Transmit Data 3 - 2 RxD Receive Data
- RTS Request To Send 4 - 5 CTS Clear To Send
- CTS Clear To Send 5 - 4 RTS Request To Send
- DSR Data Set Ready 6 - 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
- GND Signal Ground 7 - 7 GND Signal Ground
- DCD Carrier Detect 8 - 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
- DTR Data Terminal Ready 20 - 6 DSR Data Set Ready
- DTR Data Terminal Ready 20 - 8 DCD Carrier Detect
- If you have a DB9 connector on your port, try the following:
- DB9 DB25
- RxD Receive Data 2 - 3 TxD Transmit Data
- TxD Transmit Data 3 - 2 RxD Receive Data
- GND Signal Ground 5 - 7 GND Signal Ground
- Alternatively, a DB9-DB25 null modem cable:
- DB9 DB25
- DCD Carrier Detect 1 - 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
- RxD Receive Data 2 - 2 TxD Transmit Data
- TxD Transmit Data 3 - 3 RxD Receive Data
- DTR Data Terminal Ready 4 - 6 DSR Data Set Ready
- DTR Data Terminal Ready 4 - 8 DCD Carrier Detect
- GND Signal Ground 5 - 7 GND Signal Ground
- DSR Data Set Ready 6 - 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
- RTS Request To Send 7 - 5 CTS Clear To Send
- CTS Clear To Send 8 - 4 RTS Request To Send
- (RI Ring Indicator 9 not needed)
- If you are not using a full null modem cable, you might have to do the
- following trick: on your computer side of the connector, connect RTS
- and CTS together, and also connect DSR, DCD and DTR together. This
- way, when the computer wants a certain handshaking signal, it will get
- it (from itself).
- Now that you have the right kind of cable, connect your terminal to
- your computer. If you can, tell you terminal to ignore modem control
- signals. Try using 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bits
- for the terminal's setup.
- 8.2. Setting up getty
- Replace the stock getty with getty_ps as described in section ``What
- is <tt>getty_ps</tt>?''. Add an entry for getty to use for your
- terminal in /etc/gettydefs:
- #9600 bps Dumb Terminal entry
- DT9600# B9600 CS8 CLOCAL # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #S @L login: #DT9600
- You can add HUPCL so the login is killed whenever you switch of the
- terminal (provided you use a proper null modem cable).
- Edit your /etc/inittab file to run getty on the serial port
- (substituting in the correct information for your environment):
- S1:456:respawn:/etc/getty ttyS1 DT9600 vt100
- Restart init:
- linux# kill -HUP 1
- At this point, you should see a login prompt on your terminal. You
- may have to hit return a couple of times to get the terminal's
- attention. Rejoice. Party. Log in on your terminal and PC. talk to
- yourself from accross the room.
- 9. Can I use more than 2 serial devices?
- You don't need to read this section, unless you want to use 3 or more
- serial devices... (assuming you don't have a multiport board).
- Providing you have another spare serial port, yes, you can.
- The number of serial ports you can use is limited by the number of
- interrupts (IRQ) and port I/O addresses we have to use. Each serial
- devices must be assigned it's own interrupt and address. A serial
- device can be a serial port, an internal modem, or a multiport serial
- board.
- Multiport serial boards are specially designed to have multiple serial
- ports that share the same IRQ for all serial ports on the board.
- Linux gets data from them by using a different I/O address for each
- port on the card.
- 9.1. Choosing serial device interrupts
- Your PC will normally come with ttyS0 and ttyS2 at IRQ 4, and ttyS1
- and ttyS3 at IRQ 3. To use more than 2 serial devices, you will have
- to give up an interrupt to use. A good choice is to reassign an
- interrupt from your parallel port. Your PC normally comes with IRQ 5
- and IRQ 7 set up as interrupts for your parallel ports, but few people
- use 2 parallel ports. You can reassign one of the interrupts to a
- serial device, and still happily use a parallel port. You will need
- the setserial program to do this. In addition, you have to play with
- the jumpers on your boards, check the docs for your board. Set the
- jumpers to the IRQ you want for each port.
- You will need to set things up so that there is one, and only one
- interrupt for each serial device. Here is how I set mine up in
- /etc/rc.local - you should do it upon startup somewhere:
- /etc/setserial /dev/cua0 irq 3 # my mouse
- /etc/setserial /dev/cua1 irq 4 # my dumb terminal
- /etc/setserial /dev/cua2 irq 5 # my 2400 bps modem
- /etc/setserial /dev/cua3 irq 9 # my telebit modem
- Standard IRQ assignments:
- IRQ 0 Timer channel 0
- IRQ 1 Keyboard
- IRQ 2 Cascade for controller 2
- IRQ 3 Serial port 2
- IRQ 4 Serial port 1
- IRQ 5 Parallel port 2
- IRQ 6 Floppy diskette
- IRQ 7 Parallel port 1
- IRQ 8 Real-time clock
- IRQ 9 Redirected to IRQ2
- IRQ 10 not assigned
- IRQ 11 not assigned
- IRQ 12 not assigned
- IRQ 13 Math coprocessor
- IRQ 14 Hard disk controller
- IRQ 15 not assigned
- There is really no Right Thing to do when choosing interrupts. Just
- make sure it isn't being used. 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 is a good choice.
- ``not assigned'' means that currently nothing standard uses these
- IRQs. Also note that IRQ 2 is the same as IRQ 9. You can call it
- either 2 or 9, the serial driver is very understanding.
- If you have a serial card with a 16-bit bus connector, you can also
- use IRQ 10, 11, 12 or 15.
- Just make sure you don't use IRQ 0, 1, 6, 8, 13 or 14! These are used
- by your mother board. You will make her very unhappy by taking her
- IRQs.
- 9.2. Setting serial device addresses
- Next, you must set the port address. Check the manual on your board
- for the jumper settings. Like interrupts, there can only be one
- serial device at each address. Yours port will usually come
- configured as follows:
- /dev/cua0, /dev/ttyS0 address 0x3f8 ttyS0
- /dev/cua1, /dev/ttyS1 address 0x2f8 ttyS1
- /dev/cua2, /dev/ttyS2 address 0x3e8 ttyS2
- /dev/cua3, /dev/ttyS3 address 0x3e8 ttyS3
- Choose which address you want each serial device to have and set the
- jumpers accordingly. I have my modem on ttyS3, and my mouse on ttyS0.
- When you reboot, Linux should see your serial ports at the address you
- set them. The IRQ Linux sees may not correspond to the IRQ you set
- with the jumpers. Don't worry about this. Linux does not do any IRQ
- detection when it boots, because IRQ detection is dicy and can be
- fooled. Use setserial to tell Linux what IRQ the port is using.
- 10. Can Linux configure the serial devices automagically?
- Yes. To get Linux to detect and set up the serial devices
- automatically on startup, add the line:
- /etc/setserial /dev/cua0 auto_irq skip_test autoconfig
- to your /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc.serial file. Do this for every
- serial port you want to auto configure. Be sure to give the correct
- location of where your setserial program lives, and give a device name
- that really does exist on your machine.
- 10.1. Notes for multiport boards
- For board addresses, and IRQs, look at the rc.serial that comes with
- the setserial program. It has a lot of detail on multiport boards,
- including I/O addresses and device names.
- 11. How do I set up my serial ports for higher speeds?
- Use setserial, with the spd_hi flag to configure your serial port to
- use 57600 bps. Use spd_vhi to use 115200 bps. Then, set your speed
- to 38400 bps. This is now the new speed you have set. There is no
- speed named 57600 or 115200.
- Make sure you have 16550A UARTs :-).
- 12. Noteworthy communications programs and utilities
- Once you get everything working, you may want to check out these more
- advanced programs, all are available on the usual FTP sites.
- o Seyon - X based comm program
- o xconn - X based comm program
- o Minicom - friendly serial communication program
- o Procomm - procommish comm program with zmodem
- These programs offer more features that just kermit alone, including
- telephone directories, auto-dialing and so on.
- o Another useful program is term. term multiplexes many connections
- over one serial line. It is somewhat similar to SLIP, and offers
- some SLIP functionality. These include rlogin, telnet, ftp, ncftp,
- finger, rdate, xmosaic and tredir. tredir is a special program
- which lets you redirect remote TCP/IP ports to your local machine.
- This allows for remote NNTP, and SMTP access. The good thing about
- term is that is runs entirely in user space, meaning it requires no
- kernel support, or sysadmin support (like SLIP does).
- o screen is another multi-session program. This one behaves like the
- virtual consoles.
- o callback is a program that will have your modem call you back
- immediately from where you just called.
- o mgetty+fax handles FAX stuff, and provides an alternate getty
- o Other things can be found on
- sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/system/Serial and
- sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/apps/comm. These are the directories
- where all the serial type things are kept.
- 13. More serial tips
- Here are some serial tips you might find helpful...
- 13.1. kermit and zmodem
- To use zmodem with kermit, add the following to your .kermrc:
- define rz !rz < /dev/cua3 > /dev/cua3
- define sz !sz \%0 > /dev/cua3 < /dev/cua3
- Be sure to put in the device your modem is on. Then, to use it, just
- type rz or sz <filename> at the kermit prompt.
- 13.2. Setting terminal types automagically
- To set your terminal type automagically when you log in, look at
- /etc/ttytype. Put in the device, and corresponding terminal type, and
- your TERM variable will be set when you log in.
- Say I have a vt100 terminal on ttyS1, I would put:
- vt100 ttyS1
- in /etc/ttytype.
- You can also get tset from sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/system/Terminal-
- management/. See the docs that come with tset to learn how to use it.
- tset can establish terminal characteristics when you log in, and
- doesn't depend on any defaults.
- 13.3. Color ls on serial connections
- If ls is screwing up your terminal emulation with the color feature,
- turn it off. ls -o, ls --color, and ls --colour all use the color
- feature. Some installations have ls set to use color by default.
- 13.4. Printing to a printer connected to a terminal
- There is a program called vtprint that will do this. It is available
- from ftp.sdsu.edu:/pub/vtprint. The following is from the README file
- that comes with the program:
- vtprint is a program that allows users to print from a
- remote UNIX host to a printer attached to their local termi-
- nal or emulator, which makes it great for printing files at
- home, etc. (It only does text files, though.)
- 14. Linux FTP sites
- sunsite.unc.edu( (NC, USA)
- tsx-11.mit.edu( (MA, USA)
- nic.funet.fi( (Finland, Europe)
- These FTP sites support annonymous FTP, which means login as ftp, and
- password as your email address, ie logname@yourhost.yourdomain.
- 15. What are locks?
- Locks are simply a file saying that a particular device is in use.
- They are kept in /usr/spool/uucp. Locks are named LCK..<name>, where
- <name> is either a device name, or a UUCP site name. Certain
- processes create these locks so that they can have exclusive access to
- devices, for instance if you dial out on your modem, a lock will
- appear telling other processes that someone is using the modem
- already. Locks mainly contain the PID of the process that has locked
- the device. Most programs look at the lock, and try to determine if
- that lock is still valid by checking the process table for the process
- that has locked the device. If the lock is found to be valid, the
- program should exit. If not, some programs remove the stale lock, and
- use the device, creating their own lock in the process.
- 16. What are UARTs? How do they affect performance?
- UARTs (Universal Asyncronous Receiver Transmitter) are chips inside
- your communication devices (terminal, serial card). There is one on
- each end of a connection. Their purpose is to convert data (bytes) to
- bits, send each bit down the serial line, and then rebuild the data
- again on the other end. The UARTs are asyncronous devices, because
- the time interval between transmission of data is not fixed. UARTs
- deal with data in byte size pieces.
- Say you have a terminal hooked up to your PC. When you type a
- character, the terminal presents it to it's UART. The UART shifts
- that character (a byte) out onto the serial line one bit at at time,
- at a specific rate. Hence, we have the rates 110, 300, 1200, 2400,
- ... bits/sec (bps). This is simply a measure of how fast bits are
- being sent. On the other end, the receiving UART takes all the bits
- and rebuilds the character (byte).
- There are several different types of UARTs. You have probably heard
- of dumb UARTs - the 8250 and 16450, and smart or FIFO UARTs - the
- 16550A. To understand their differences, first let's examine what
- happens when a UART has sent or received a byte.
- The UART itself can't do anything with the data, it just sends and
- receives it. The CPU gets an interrupt every time a byte has been
- sent or received. The CPU then moves a received byte out of the
- UART's register and into memory somewhere, or gives the UART another
- byte to send. The 8250 and 16450 UARTs only have a 1 byte buffer.
- That means, that every time 1 byte is sent or received, it interrupts
- the CPU. At low rates, this is OK. But, at high transfer rates, the
- CPU get so busy dealing with the UART, that is doesn't have time to
- tend to other tasks. In some cases, the CPU does not get around to
- servicing the interrupt in time, and the byte is overwritten, because
- they are coming in so fast.
- That's where the 16550A UARTs come in. These chips come with 16 byte
- FIFOs. This means that it can receive or transmit up to 16 bytes
- before it has to interrupt the CPU. Not only can it wait, but the CPU
- then can transfer all 16 byte at a time. Although the interrupt
- threshold is seldom set at 16, this is still a significant advantage
- over the other UARTs, which only have the 1 byte buffer. The CPU
- receives less interrupts, and is free to do other things. Data is
- not lost, and everyone is happy.
- In general, the 8250 and 16450 UARTs should be fine for speeds up to
- 19200 bps. After 19200, you might start seeing data loss, and a
- reduction in computing speed.
- Keep in mind that these dumb UART types are not bad, they just aren't
- good for high speeds. You should have no problem connecting a
- terminal, or a mouse to these UARTs. But, for a high speed modem, the
- 16550A is definately a must.
- You can buy serial cards with the 16550A UARTs for a little more
- money, just ask your dealer what type of UART is on the card. Or if
- you want to upgrade your existing card, you can simply purchase 16550A
- chips and replace your existing 16450 UARTs. They are pin-to-pin
- compatible. Some cards come with socketed UARTs for this purpose, if
- not you can solder. Note, that you'll probably save yourself a lot of
- trouble by just getting a new card :-).
- 17. Troubleshooting
- 17.1. I keep getting ``line NNN of inittab invalid''
- Make sure you are using the correct syntax for your version of init.
- The different init's that are out there use different syntax in the
- /etc/inittab file. Make sure you are using the correct syntax for
- your version of getty.
- 17.2. When I try to dial out, it says ``/dev/cuaN: Device or resource
- busy''
- This problem can arise when DCD is not set correctly. DCD should only
- be set when there is an actual connection (ie someone is dialed in),
- not when getty is watching the port. When getty sees DCD get set, it
- will lock the port and probably spawn login. Check to make sure that
- your modem is configured to only set DCD when there is a connection.
- DTR and RTS should be set whenever something is using, or watching the
- line, like getty, kermit, or some other comm program.
- Another common cause of ``device busy'' errors, is that you set up
- your serial port with an interrupt already taken by something else.
- As each device initializes, it asks Linux for permission to use its
- hardware interrupt. Linux keeps track of which interrupt is assigned
- to whom, and if your interrupt is already taken, your device won't be
- able to initialize properly. The device really doesn't have much of
- any way to tell you that this happened, except that when you try to
- use it, it will return a ``device-busy'' error. Check the interrupts
- on all of your cards (serial, ethernet, etc.). Look for IRQ
- conflicts.
- 17.3. I keep getting ``Id SN respawning too fast: disabled for 5 min-
- utes''
- Make sure your modem is configured correctly. Look at registers E and
- Q. This can occur when your modem is chatting with getty.
- Make sure you are calling getty correctly from your /etc/inittab.
- Using the wrong syntax or device names will cause serious problems.
- 17.4. I have a modem/terminal connected, but root can't login on it.
- This is done on purpose for security reasons. Generally, you should
- only have root logins enabled on the console. It is considered
- dangerous to allow root logins on anything other than the console.
- But, you asked... Edit /etc/login.defs, and find the line that says
- CONSOLE. Add the name of the serial device to it. Say I have my
- terminal on ttyS1. I would change the line:
- CONSOLE tty1:tty2:tty3:tty4:tty5:tty6:tty8
- to
- CONSOLE tty1:tty2:tty3:tty4:tty5:tty6:tty8:ttyS1
- 17.5. it just locks up. I have my terminal connected to my PC, but
- after I type in a login name,
- You probably don't have CLOCAL in your /etc/gettydefs entry for the
- terminal, and you're probably not using a full null modem cable. You
- need CLOCAL. CLOCAL tells Linux to ignore modem control signals.
- Here is what it should look like:
- #9600 baud Dumb Terminal entry
- DT9600# B9600 CS8 CLOCAL # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #@S @L login: #DT9600
- Next, kill -TERM the getty process so a new one will be spawned with
- the new entry.
- 17.6. At high speeds, my modem looses data!
- If you are trying to run your modem at > 19200 bps, and you don't have
- 16550A UARTs, you should upgrade them. See section ``What are
- UARTs?'' about UARTs.
- 17.7. them configured! On startup, Linux doesn't report the serial
- devices the way I have
- This is true. Linux does not do any IRQ detection on startup, it only
- does serial device detection. Thus, disregard what it says about the
- IRQ, because it's just assuming the standard IRQs. This is done,
- because IRQ detection is unreliable, and can be fooled.
- So, even though I have my ttyS2 set at IRQ 5, I still see
- Jan 23 22:25:28 misfits vmunix: tty02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
- You have to use setserial to tell Linux the IRQ you are using.
- 17.8. rz and or sz don't work when I call my Linux box on my modem.
- If Linux looks for /dev/modem when you try to transfer files, look at
- /etc/profile, and /etc/csh.cshrc. There are a bunch of aliases
- defined there on some distributions, most notably Slackware. These
- aliases mess up the zmodem programs. Take them out, or correct them.
- 17.9. My screen is printing funny looking characters!
- This happens on virtual consoles when you send binary data to your
- screen, or sometimes on serial connections. You can try the reset
- command, but I've found that it doesn't fix the problem. The sure
- fire way to fix this is to type echo ^v^[c. For the ASCII impaired,
- thats echo <ctrl>v<esc>c.
- 17.10. getty or uugetty still doesn't work.
- There is a DEBUG option that comes with getty_ps. Edit your config
- file /etc/conf.{uu}getty.ttySN and add DEBUG=777. If you are running
- syslogd, debugging info will appear in your log files. If you aren't
- running syslogd info will appear in /tmp/getty:ttySN for debugging
- getty and /tmp/uugetty:ttySN for uugetty. Look at the debugging info
- and see what is going on. Most likely, you will need to tune some of
- the parameters in your config file, and you may have to configure your
- modem differently, too.
- 17.10.1. Alternate versions of getty
- You might like these better:
- mgetty, a different version of getty, can also handle faxes. It can
- be found on the Linux FTP sites.
- agetty, yet another version of getty. This version comes with most
- distributions. If not, it should be on the Linux FTP sites.
- 18. Contributions
- There was no possible way to write this HOWTO alone. Although a lot
- of the HOWTO is my writing, I have often rewritten contributions to
- maintain continuity in the writing style and flow. Thanks to everyone
- who has contributed or commented, the list of people has gotten too
- long to list. Special thanks to Matt Welch, Ted T'so, and Kris
- Gleason.